
Subtitles Activity: COVID-19 Hygiene Norms

                Description: COVID-19 Hygiene Norms During this world crisis that we are experiencing, it is very important that the population follow hygiene norms to prevent and decrease the number of people infected by COVID-19. The number of people who have been infected with this disease has been increasing dramatically. This type of virus often has many consequences in humans that can manifest themselves in different ways and degrees of health complications.      COVID-19 is a virus that currently does not have an effective cure to eradicate it, so it is vital that the necessary hygiene standards be taken into account when people are in different environments, especially if they have left their home. Also if the person feels symptoms of contagion such as: tiredness, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, runny nose, fever, chills and headache, it is very important to see a doctor. The video that I made mentions some regulation...

Actividad Delitos Informáticos

Reflexión sobre los delitos informáticos/vulnerabilidad de los usuarios La seguridad en los dispositivos móviles es muy importante debido al incremento de ataques recibidos y las consecuencias que estos tienen. Los dispositivos móviles están formados por componentes de hardware que soportan muchas tecnologías inal á mbricas (GSM,Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc), donde destaca varios procesadores de altas prestaciones que permiten ejecutar un sistema operativo complejo.      Los usuarios almacenan cada vez mas información personal que ademas de estar expuesta al robo físico del dispositivo, puede resultar valiosa la información para los ciberdelincuentes que buscan obtener ganancias ilícitas utilizando códigos maliciosos o amenazando.       Al recibir los resultados de la encuesta que hice a 20 personas me di cuenta que no toman las medidas de seguridad necesarias para proteger sus dispositivos y esto est á  mal...

Applications Catalog

Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/139iKIAip8knToJUZIrawF-KRPAJoHSL7KwpCWp96M3Q/edit# Reflection Of Application Catalog This group work was something new for me because I had never worked with so many members, this application where we could all connect was a very useful application and I really liked it because we could advance in our catalog of applications all together quikly.      Thanks to this catalog of applications I learned new information about the applications that can help me improve in English and French, only one I had used which is Duolingo and the others I have never used but since I know how they work, I want to use them.      Sometimes it is difficult to work as a team because we do not know how to organize ourselves at first, but we have to learn to work as a team and we will continue using these applications.

Infographic Of Digital Marketing

Reflection Of Digital Marketing Thanks to the evolution of digital technology, which today allows us to be aware of everything we want when we want it, today we can feel lucky to live in an age that has all the information we are always looking for, from a much more accessible and faster way, just within reach of an internet connection.       Digital marketing has  new methods that allow the visualization of any brand online, without any geographical impediment that limits it. The internet is increasingly adapted by users because they have found in it a facilitator of many tasks. Nowadays everything can be found online, forces companies to be there. A company will be losing costumers if it is not able to demonstrate online. Through social networks you can advertise products or services. Some advantages are that all digital action is measurable, it does not contaminate and with digital marketing it increases the visibility of a website and a brand.

Mind Map Digital Divide

Mind Map: Digital Divide  Reflection: Digital divide is the separation between people, states, communities, countries, etc, that do not have acces to the ICT. The reasons that this happen is because people do not have enough money to have internet in thier houses, or they live in a country or community that does not have signal to internet,  or because people do not know how to use ICTs.       The people who is mostly affected by this is the areas with low economic growth. ICTs are neccesary for our daily lifes, for example in works ICTs increase profitability among businesses and it offers increased opportunities. Everything is more easier and faster using technologys, becausse if we didn't have access to internet, we would have to look for information in books. That is why technology has become an indispensable tool. ICTs change and we have to adapt to them, knowing how to use them in a correct way without this affecting our security.  ...
Infographic: Digital Inclusion  Reflection: Digital inclusion is to include everyone, even less developed communities to have access to the ICTs. I was surprised by the high percentage of the world population of people who does not have access to internet. Here in Mexico 40% of the population do not have internet.       This problem is because some people do not know how to use ICTs, or the places where they live have bad signal, or because electronic devices and internet are very expensive and they do not have enough money to buy this. Some of the solutions are to have public access computers in school or libraries, free wifi access points and to have a low cost of electronic devices.  I think that all people should have the ability to access to internet without affecting their security and confidence. Every country in the world has a lot to do to promote internet access and must develop new strategies to solve this pr...
                                            Reflection: Evolution Of ICT Throughout history ICT have evolved, it is surprising to think about the way they  communicated before , they used smoke signals to communicate with other people in areas that were far away.  Now, through cell phones we communicate fast.  ICT arose depending on the needs of society and are always changing and improving, all these innovations have not stopped here and will never stop.  Currently, ict are very important for human being and at the same time they are helping to generate knowledge that previously seemed inaccessible.  Technological development is generating impact in all areas of daily life. S ome advantages of ict is to be able to communicate with anyone in the world and to  have access to information from anywhere in the world. But there are also disadva...